Download ExactLog Software 

ExactLog™ Software is a PC-based application that allows users to easily configure and download data from Thermochron and Hygrochron iButtons and  ExactLog ™ Data Loggers. Our simple, plug-and-play setup process finds devices automatically and makes mission configuration simpler than ever. 

Set logging rates, delays, and measurement resolutions in seconds, and deploy with confidence using simple on-screen progress indicators. After your mission, quickly view, graph, and download logger data for analysis and get back to the real work faster.

Every ExactLog™ Software License comes with phone support and software upgrades for the life of your logger. Schedule a demo today and see how simple your data collection process can be.

Download ExactLog Software


Your connection to the ExactLog Software will vary based on your device.

∘ Connecting an iButton to the ExactLog Software requires a LinkUSB Family Adapter.

  • In most cases, we recommend the LinkUSBi Touch and Hold. This compact, low-cost reader/ adapter device is easy to use and pairs great with the  ExactLog™ Software.

∘ For users connecting to an ExactLog™ Data Logger, all you will need is a USB-C Cable. 

Required Drivers:

VCP Driver


Our team designed ExactLog™ Software using feedback from countless customers and years of experience working with and building around the iButton and other data-logging solutions. As we continue to improve, we also hope to hear from you. Whether you have questions, feedback, feature requests, or otherwise please contact us!